FAMR Website and Video Ads

I designed and developed a website for Federal Award Management Registration, also known as the shortened form FAMR. The client was going through a full rebrand and wanted a new, modern site to match. With the whole product being United States government-adjacent, I kept the site clean and light, with U.S. government imagery and accents. With this plan put into action, the new website is clear, concise, and easily recognizable as a site you can associate with the United States government. The website was built with Wordpress, so the client could edit and update the site after I finished my contract.

I also created help videos for FAMR, keeping the same design principles as the website. These videos were made to be short and to the point to help alleviate customer questions. I edited the videos using Adobe After Effects, animating the walkthrough sections manually to have as much clarity as possible for the customer.

Live Website